Encouraged installment program of tax debts
The Governor of the State of Espírito Santo, through Law No. 11,785/2023 (DOE of 24.03.2023), establishes the Fiscal Debt Encouraged Installment Program, designed to promote the regularization of tax debts related to ICM and to ICMS, their fines and interest, whose generating facts occurred until 07.31,2022, or not, whether or not registered in active debt, including filed or protested.
Payment of the consolidated debt may be made in cash or up to 180 installments, with discounts of up to 100% of the amounts of fines and interest, as provided in Annex I.
Entry to the program will occur, by choice of the interested party and may be carried out from 27.03.2023 to 31.08.2023, upon payment of the single installment or first installment, in case of option for installment, as well as observance of the provisions provided for in article 3.
Source: Econet
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