
Dark Stores: A trend in e-commerce

In Portuguese, the Dark Store literally means “dark store”. It is a concept. It is a mini-center of product distribution sold in e-commerce. Because they are small, they can stay within urban areas. Size is the main difference between them and the conventional distribution centers (CD) of large capacity and located in farther regions.

Dark stores do just about everything a common CD does: receipt of orders, storage, packaging, collection and separation of products, generation of tax and transportation documents, as well as the order to the buyer.

According to a study by the company Neotrust, Brazilian e-commerce grew 26.9% in 2021 compared to 2020. In another survey, by The Global Payments Report, 2022, points out that by 2025, the worldwide e-commerce should Growing over 55%, which means approximately $ 8 trillion. The same report indicates that, in Brazil, e -commerce will grow approximately 95% by 2025, reaching US $ 79 billion in transactions.


Want to know more? Contact us.
+55 (27) 99981-5564 / (27) 99810-4256 / (27) 3029-1869
E-mail: [email protected]
Address: Ed Enseada Tower - Av. João Batista Parra, 673-Room 1301-Suá Cove, Vitória-ES, 29052-123

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