
How to avoid cartoons?

Regardless of the reason, cartoons cause inconvenience and damage, and harm the store image.

Therefore, every digital venture should have security measures to mitigate this type of contestation. Check out some tips below:

- Anti-FRACUE SERVICE: This technology makes use of artificial intelligence to cross information such as user registration data, purchasing and navigation history, user and consumer public behavior standards and geolocation;

- Train your employees against fraud: your team knows your business and your customers better than anyone;

- Pay attention to the delivery deadlines: This is because, if the consumer does not receive the requested item within the period provided for on his site, he may be dissatisfied and request the chargeback of the amount of credit card purchase;

- Offer an empathic and resolute service.


Want to know more? Contact us.
+55 (27) 99981-5564 / (27) 99810-4256 / (27) 3029-1869
E-mail: [email protected]
Address: Ed Enseada Tower - Av. João Batista Parra, 673-Room 1301-Suá Cove, Vitória-ES, 29052-123

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