Revenue admits instability in the Simples Nacional program
Since Friday, 01/15, users have reported instabilities in the Generator Program for the Collection Document of the Simples Nacional - Declaratory (PGDAS-D). The program would be showing errors when accessing, attaching files and even issuing the delivery of the monthly declaration. The Treasury admitted that there is instability and suggests to the user to ‘in case of failure, wait a few moments and try again’. It also ensures that the technical area works to repair the fault with ‘priority’, but does not inform which system has failed and when there will be an effective correction. Source: Want to know more? Contact us. +55 (27) 99981-5564 / (27) 3029-1869 Email: [email protected] Address: Ed Enseada Tower - Av. João Batista Parra, 673 - Room 1301 - Enseada do Suá, Vitória - ES, 29052-123 #oliricacunha #oliricaincentivosfiscales #oliricacunhaassessoriaempresarial #oliricacunhaassessoria #oliricacunhaES #oliricacunhaassessoriafiscal #oliricaassessoria #incentivosfiscal #oliricacunhaincentivosfiscales #startups #ecommerce #commerce #commerce #commerce