Middle East is in the sights of the ornamental rock sector of ES
companies in the Espírito Santo ornamental rock sector are aiming at the Middle East in search of expanding their business partners.
The region has in works already hired a volume of $ 3 trillion, almost double the projected one for the United States, with $ 1.6 trillion, thus showing its potential. "The Middle East became the great construction site of the world.
In this market, Capixabas rock companies only have a 0.6% share is a great opportunity to work and negotiate with this market. Of course, there is a whole challenge to negotiate with them because they have communication and their own style, "he said.
Source: https://www.folhavitoria.com.br/economia/noticia/02/2023/oriente-edio-esta-na-mira-do-de--rochhas-ornamental-do-----esmm_smid = 10388712-1-1
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