What is compliance?
The word compliance comes from the English verb "to comply", which in Portuguese basically means "to agree." In the context of companies, it refers to compliance with rules, norms, directions and good practices that apply to business in context and the niche in which it operates.
Compliance with this set of regulations is necessary mainly to avoid problems that generate financial losses and reputation for your brand. So we can also define it as a risk reduction mechanism.
But the advantages do not stop here.
Being in compliance with laws - whether they are labor, tax, among others - also:
- Eliminates costs;
- gives more credibility to investors and end customers;
- Improves the quality of services and products offered; >
Source: https://blog.dpoon.br/o-que-e-compliance/
Want to know more? Contact us.
+55 (27) 99981-5564 / (27) 99810-4256 / (27) 3029-1869
E-mail: [email protected]
Address: Ed Enseada Tower - Av. João Batista Parra, 673-Room 1301-Suá Cove, Vitória-ES, 29052-123
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