
Fundap turns 54 years boosting foreign trade in ES

with 206 active companies in the bands today, the fund was created in 1970 to capture companies by deferring in the collection of the Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS), ie , the posttering of ICMS providing immediate relief in the cash flow of the companies. In addition, companies may receive a partial reimbursement from ICMS paid, which effectively diminishes the cost of commercial operations. This tax credit system makes import and export operations through the ports of Espírito Santo more economical and attractive to outside companies. of the Holy Spirit; collect the ICMS Fundap for the State of the Holy Spirit; and make customs clearance in the state of Espírito Santo.

Fundap plays a relevant role in strengthening the economy of the Holy Spirit. Since its inception, the program has attracted a significant number of companies to the region, substantially increasing the volume of operations in the capixabas ports. This increase in port activities generated thousands of direct and indirect jobs, contributing to the reduction of the unemployment rate and increased income per captain in the state.

In 2023, R $ 752.8 million were released for the funding Fundap. In 2024, based on the first three months, it is estimated a total amount of financing in the amount of R $ 855.6 million, an approximate growth of 13%.
Source: http: // www.

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