DCTF will be extinguished in 2025

from January 2025, the Brazilian tax system will undergo a significant change with the replacement of the Federal Tax Debts and Credits Declaration (DCTF) by DCTFWEB. BR /> Among its planned changes is the delivery time, unified for the 25th of the month following the chargeable event, with the possibility of issuing the DARF before the transmission of DCTFWEB. This will offer greater flexibility in paying taxes, as well as greater practicality and efficiency in the delivery of this obligation, as it will unify a greater range of taxes to be provided to the supervisory bodies. //www.jornalcontabil.com.br/dctf-sera-extinta-em-2025-quais-os-impactos-para-as-pressas-por-carlos-neris-e-elaine-miranda/
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