
Black Friday: Searches in September reveal products with higher sales potential

Two months from Black-Friday 2022, which this year falls on November 25, the internet searches in the largest e-commerce with operation in Brazil in four categories-electronics; Home, decoration and household utilities; Fashion and Shoes, as well as entertainment-already give good clues about which will be some of the champions of sale of the largest e-commerce promotion season.

In the specific case of electronics, September highlights are for mobile phones and video game console, both with over five million searches, and various notebooks, with about 2.4 million searches.

In entertainment, the most sought after online games, also in the range of five million searches, and streaming services, with about two million searches.

In the area of home and household utilities, the products that record the highest search are refrigerators, airfryers, wallpaper and kitchen cabinets.

In fashion and footwear, sneakers stand out. All of these items recorded more than one million searches when added the sites of the main e-commerce.


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