Black Friday 2022: Main payment trends for date
In the last two years, the means of payment has undergone major transformations.
pix: Betting on this payment method is a way to differentiate yourself and increase sales on Black Friday.
Payment link: With this method, customers can make payments via debit card, credit card or digital wallet.
Digital Wallets: Digital wallets are already used by 60% of consumers with smartphone.
QR Code: QR Code is a barcode that contains various payment information.
Application Payments: Application payments also emerge as a strong trend for e-commerce in 2022.
Want to know more? Contact us.
+55 (27) 99981-5564 / (27) 99810-4256 / (27) 3029-1869
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Address: Ed Enseada Tower - Av. João Batista Parra, 673-Room 1301-Suá Cove, Vitória-ES, 29052-123
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