»Economic and Financial Advisory;
»Administrative Advisory;
Administrative assistance is a very effective and advantageous option for dealing with the management of its activities and resources. Through an analysis of the company's structure and financial information, this service is responsible for evaluating the work flow carried out at the institution and offering solutions to the main issues or problems that are frequently faced. In this way, providing a contribution to the generation of value, construction of strategies and decision making to bring positive return to the client.
Obtaining credit from BANDES or BNDES
Companies in constant development still need more specific solutions to generate information that will support the necessary institutional actions, with an accompaniment of economic-financial decisions and measures. Therefore, if you want to build, expand or adapt your business structure to obtain a certain incentive, economic and financial advice is ideal for you. Olírica Cunha also elaborates an economic and financial viability project to obtain credit from BANDES / BNDES.
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